WA8LMF Home Page | Main Ham Radio Page | Main APRS Page | Updated  22 Mar 07

APRS Digipeaters WorldWide

These maps were generated by monitoring the world-wide APRS Internet system data stream with the port 14580 filter port setting of filter s/#/#  which selects ALL position reports using the digipeater star symbol.  This includes both the star in the primary symbol set with the fixed letter D in it, and the the star in the secondary set which can be overlaid with a single letter or number to indicate the type of digipeater.  The positions were plotted on UIview32 using Precision Mapping 8.0 . 

These maps are a "snap shot" of a 10-hour period of time on 28 Feb 2007, not a continuously updated live display.

Note:  Many home stations play multiple APRS roles, acting as Internet gateways, weather stations and/or local clients, as well as serving as digipeaters. Many of these stations transmit symbols other than the digi-star symbol.  Stations transmitting symbols other than the digipeater star WILL NOT show up on these maps, even if they offer digipeater service. 

Precision Mapping only shows road data, and detailed local boundaries (states, provinces, counties, districts, etc) in Canada and the United States.  However, it will plot positions for the rest of the world on a simple outline map of national boundaries that is fully scrollable and zoomable, just like the detailed maps in North America.

UIview was set to expire symbols after 20 hours, and then connected to the  APRS Internet system for about 10 hours.  The plots on the maps below should reflect every digipeater in the world transmitting the digi-star symbol that was reaching an Internet gateway on February 28th, 2007. 

These are VERY large gif images assembled from multiple screen captures of a 1440x900 wide-XGA screen. On systems with 800x600 pixel (SVGA) or 1024x768 pixel (XGA) displays, you will have to scroll to view the entire map.   For the best clarity, turn off automatic image resizing in Internet Explorer or FireFox.  Downsizing these complex and detailed images will create an un-readable blurry mess.


In Europe, North America and Australia/New Zealand, the digipeater density was so great that I zoomed in for the closer views below.  





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