MILE-MARK BASIC CODE 30 DEC 2003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This pseudo BASIC code is my routine for reading the MM.DAT file while looking for the road that matches the given interstate name. When found it draws 1 mile ambiguity circles for every Nth mile mark. 'This routine overlays Mile-Mark circles every Nth mile along the 'highway named HWY$. The names are of the form SS## where SS is the 'state abbreviation and ##... is the interstate number. INPUT "State-Interstate (SSNN)", HWY$: HWY$=UCASE$(HWY$) OPEN "MM-DATA.DAT" FOR INPUT AS #3 LINE INPUT #3, a$ 'skip the first line comment Nth = 2 'sets every 2nd MM below 2 mile Range Scale IF RS > 2 THEN Nth = 5 'sets every 5th MM below 16 mile Range Scale IF RS > 16 THEN Nth = 10 'sets every 10th MM below 32 mile range scale IF RS > 32 THEN Nth = 20 'sets every 20th MM above 32 mile range scale DO UNTIL Id1$ = "END" 'read data ID's till the end INPUT #3, Id1$, K1, LA1, LO1 'read the next data line IF HWY$ = Id1$ THEN 'If Highway is found then do it INPUT #3, Id2$, K2, LA2, LO2 'Get starting point (or next one) FOR Mk = 0 TO 900 STEP Nth 'For up to 900 MM's do every Nth IF Mk > K2 THEN 'Get next line if needed Id1$ = Id2$: K1 = K2 'and save the values LA1 = LA2: LO1 = LO2 'before reading in the next INPUT #3, Id2$, K2, LA2, LO2 END IF IF HWY$ <> Id2$ THEN EXIT FOR 'exit at end of highway LA = LA2 - (K2-Mk) * (LA2-LA1) / (K2-K1) 'interpolate LAT LO = LO2 - (K2-Mk) * (LO2-LO1) / (K2-K1) 'interpolate LON y = Yval(LA) 'convert LAT to my Y map coordinates x = Xval(LO) 'convert LON to my X map coordinates r = 175 / RS: IF r < 6 THEN r = 6 'scale 1 mile circle with CIRCLE (x, y), r, 15 'map Range Scale (RS) CALL DoLabels(x, y, STR$(Mk)) 'Add mile mark label NEXT END IF LOOP CLOSE #3