PCsat Emergency Status and Reporting (SAR) Capability ----------------------------------------------------- PCsat has a limited Emergency Status and Reporting (SAR) capability to assure that emergency and priority packets from travelers anywhere on the planet can be captured not just those in range of an IGate. This SAR mission is necessary as a separate function because the mission of PCsat is to relay all packets back to the earth in real time. This normal mode of PCsat assumes that there are other users or IGates in the footprint. This leaves travelers in the middle of the Oceans or at the poles without a communications capability. The SAR buffer on PCsat will capture EMERGENCY messages from users anywhere on the planet and will downlink the last N packets in this buffer once every 10 minutes. There is the ability to also use this buffer for very special travelers that may need non emergency access in far away places. Since this takes extra power and adds to the downlink everywhere, we want to limit this capability to only those wilderness or distant PCsat users who have no other means to communicate. For this reason, we ask that special travelers who may need access to this buffer, to register with us in advance of your travels and to send us a travel plan and we will give you the details of this system. de WB4APR, Bob