WA8LMF Home Page | Main Ham Radio Page | Updated  2 April 2012   

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WA8LMF  UI-View  Webserver

WARNING 1:  This page links to a server hosted on a PC connected to a low-bandwidth (768K/sec) consumer DSL modem account. Due to limited bandwidth of this connection, images may occasionally fail to load if I have large bandwidth-sucking downloads in progress. If one or more of the maps fail to appear, hit "Refresh" or "Reload" on your browser toolbar. 

WARNING 2:  Disable automatic image resizing in your browser. The maps sent by this server are likely to be much larger than your browser window. The automatic downsizing for large images provided in some browsers will make the thin lines and small details on the maps an illegible blur if not turned off. With resizing turned off, you will have to scroll down and/or to the right to see all of the maps.

WARNING 3:  This webserver is on TCP/IP port 14439 rather than the customary port 80 for http .   As a result, you may not be able to access it from some corporate or government Internet connections that severely firewall or otherwise restrict access to uncommon port numbers.


Background on the WA8LMF Webserver Setup

The webserver produces a multiple map display.

This display, served by the UI-Webserver component of UI-View,  is created by two copies of UI-View32 running simultaneously on the same computer. Both instances are connected to APRS Internet servers using filter ports set to receive JUST my own callsign and nearby stations.  

HF is being received with the UZ7HO "Soundmodem" software TNC and a Kenwood TS-440 connected to a homebrew magnetic loop antenna.  VHF is being monitored with a Kantronics KAM and a Kenwood TM-211 connected to a Comet 2M/UHF 19' "SuperGainer" collinear.

Both instances of UIview are set to capture a map automatically every 2 minutes.  Only the first instance is running the UI-View webserver. I have modified the original UI-View "special pages/index.html" code to insert all three map images into the webpages served by the first instance.

All of this is running under Windows XP SP3 on a Via 1GMHz micro-ITX motherboard with 1 GB of RAM connected to a D-Link DIR-655 router/4-port switch/WiFi. 

Details on the "Ham Super Server" setup that runs this site are here